January 14, 2012

52/ 2 Week 2

Who knew that trying to remember to take a photo with BOTH children in it would be so hard. Once again I found myself on Saturday trying to find a time/place/and two willing children for a photo opportunity.  Today they were constantly trying to pick fights and at one point (just before this photo actually), Kate even declared that John could not watch our TV, it was HER TV today.  As I put away the 14th load of laundry, well OK it may have only been the 6th, I headed downstairs and figuring that I could do two next week to make up for missing this week.  After all while the goal is to do it within the week, the more important goal is to have 52 photos both of  my children. Then it saw them. They were both sitting side by side, there was no blood on the ground, no signs that fighting of any kind had just occurred. I grabbed the camera and too the shot before either one realized I was there!  I hope that this week I can be ahead of my deadline, but don't count  on it.


  1. Love this nice quiet moment Shannon!

  2. Perfect! I love when you can capture the moment without them knowing! ;)

  3. love this shannon! such sweet kiddos you've got!
